I Wrote Two Songs for The Little Theatre of Walla Walla!!

Earlier this year (2024), The Little Theatre of Walla Walla asked if I could write a couple of songs for their production of Pride & Prejudice: one jaunty tune for the lively country dance scene (The Country Dance) and one more elegant and somber for the scene at the more fancy ball (Set Me Free). Here are the songs:

I was incredibly nervous to take this project on because I worried that I’d get writer’s block. I surprised myself by writing the first section or two of The Country Dance in one day and fleshed it out on subsequent days. Set Me Free took a lot more mental energy and it took me a while to solidify the ideas I wanted to include in the song. After the initial idea was formed - the chord progression and the violin part, then the rest followed quickly.

Thank you so much to everyone at The Little Theatre of Walla Walla for this amazing opportunity! I hope you all enjoyed the music


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